Thoughts & Musings from an Eeevil Right Wing Nut: October 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What Kauses Kos Kids to be Huffing&Pissed DUmmies?

There has been considerable discussion and dismay among conservatives about the warped worldview and potential mental illness of the people at liberal blog sites such as The Daily Kos, Democratic Underground and The Huffington Post. Some who frequent these blogs are, I believe, just old 60’s retreads. Others are the products of the societal experimentation begun in the 1960’s. In other words, what we are seeing at those blogs are the consequences of the counter-cultural movement, the War on Poverty, secularism, feminism, and hair brained leftist theories in the post-baby boom generation.

I’ll start by examining the attacks on the traditional family by feminism and the welfare state. The “women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle” feminists led millions of women to believe that men weren’t necessary to raise a child. Since a single woman could raise a child just as effectively as a couple, women no longer needed to stay married or even get married for once the man fulfilled his biological function as sperm donor, that concluded the only useful purpose men had. Divorce and out-of-wedlock births sent the number of single parent families sky-rocketing. The welfare state would make up for any financial shortcomings the woman might face which further negated the need to have a father in the home.

At the same time, militant feminism was also telling women that *they* weren’t even necessary to raise their children. Women were encouraged to have careers and let daycare centers raise the children. Millions of married and unmarried women entered the workforce leaving the role of nurturing caregiver to the children they brought into this world to someone else. Women who balked at the idea of letting strangers raise their children were vilified and looked down on by those who were more ‘liberated’, ‘career conscious’ and ‘enlightened’.

As Gagdad Bob rightly pointed out in his post Sifting Through the Ruins of Broken Attachment “Since the early 1970's we have, in fact, been engaging in a completely novel psychohistorical experiment with unknown cultural ramifications. Specifically, what is the effect of abandoning children to daycare very shortly after they are born, thereby disrupting the primordial attachment system bequeathed to us by evolution, the very system that ushers us into humanity?”

In time, the idea that children did not need parents to raise them created a new phenomenon – latch-key kids. A generation of children was left to raise themselves and society saw an explosion of gang culture. Young boys and eventually girls who lacked proper parent figures sought substitute role models in violent street gangs.

As if it weren’t bad enough that their home lives were in shambles, insult was added to injury when these kids started school.

Instead of being seats of knowledge and learning, schools and universities have been turned into indoctrination centers for Neo-Marxist twaddle. Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Conflict Resolution, Revisionist History, Global Warming, Human Geography and New Math have replaced or bastardized basic subjects like reading, writing, math, science and history. Useful skills such as critical thinking, reason and logic aren’t taught at all because even rudimentary critical thinking, logic or reasoning skills would show the leftist propaganda that passes for school curricula these days for what it really is - idiotic, Orwellian doublespeak and would completely short-circuit the indoctrination process.

Let us not forget that the same intellectual pinheads who gave us multiculturalism, political correctness, etc are the same pinheads who told us for decades that there is no difference between boys and girls only to recently “discover” that boys and girls actually *are* different. Well shazam! But I digress…

It is my observation that modern secularism has by far been the prime culprit for all the damage done to the post-baby boom generation for it is the single pernicious thread that runs through all the post 60’s history above. It has been through secularism that the Judeo-Christian traditions and institutions which serve as the foundations of American society have been systematically attacked and dismantled. In its place the left has created the Cult of the Secular where Government is God and there is no Truth. Pseudo-truths are handed down from Ivy League towers and are edited and amended according to the political whims and needs of the Democrat party. The Cult seeks to perfect physical man in order create Utopia for there is nothing beyond this earthly plane.

The doctrines of the Cult of the Secular have left the post baby boom generation spiritually and emotionally bankrupt with nothing and no one to believe in. They were taught in infancy that mom and dad couldn’t be counted on. The brave explorers who pushed the boundaries of the then known world were no more than vile, greedy, murdering, thieves that spread death, disease and destruction where ever they went. The founding fathers were not men of great vision but were racist, bigots, sexist, homophobes. Far from being a liberator of the oppressed, a beacon of hope, or a “shining city on a hill”, America was a collection of corrupt, misogynic white men that enslaved blacks and murdered the indigenous people to steal their land while subjugating weaker countries to fill their bank accounts and extend their power. Patriotism was a farce for there is nothing uniquely or innately good about America. The American flag was no more than a mere symbol of jingoism. Capitalism unjustly enriched a select few at the expense of everyone else. Religion or the belief in a Creator was nothing more than a tool wielded by a few to justify and spread racism, sexism, bigotry and homophobia.

One of the primary tenets of the Cult is that man is just another animal with no unique qualities to set him apart from the multitude of other living creatures inhabiting the earth. In fact, man is undoubtedly the least of creatures and consequentially in any conflict between man and other living creatures, man must give way. At the same time, man is regarded as something like a demigod for he alone among all creatures has the power to destroy all life on the planet simply by being alive. Only man has the capability to alter the climate of the entire earth simply by maintaining his life. Man is the only species whose eradication would benefit all other life on the planet. This is one of the great mysteries of the Cult.

Morality as traditionally defined, is a by-product of the Judeo-Christian religion and thus too rigid and restrictive to remake society and therefore must be redefined by the elites and be given sufficient fluidity through moral relativism to allow for certain Cult sanctioned behaviors while condemning others though not so concretely so as to prohibit redefining of what is moral as needed or circumstances dictate in order to further the Cult agenda.

Though they prefer to see themselves above such things, acolytes of the Cult are much more zealous in their pseudo-religious beliefs than any fundamentalist Christian and have even less tolerance for those who do not share their worldview than the Taliban. They habitually engage in the politics of personal destruction against their enemies. They will shout down, throw food, or turn their backs on any apostate who dares to enter the hallowed halls of their universities and speak against Secular (pbuh).

The result of this endless Cult of the Secular mind conditioning is that this generation has been stripped of positive emotional moorings and cast adrift on the sea of life with no spiritual compass to direct them. They lack the knowledge of Truth which might help them figure out that they aren’t sailing towards the edge of the earth and that mythical sea monsters should be feared less than the real sharks that actually inhabit the waters and how to know the difference. Life is no more than a vast empty space of searing heat, numbing cold intermingled with minor storms and major hurricanes to be endured but not understood. Their eyes are ever on the horizontal plane. They are unaware, though some do figure out, that above them are celestial bodies that can guide them to calmer waters and refuge.

The real surprise should not be that the Kos Kids and their fellow believers have a skewed worldview; what should be a surprise is that there aren’t more of them. Clearly not all in the post-baby boom generation have embraced the Cult doctrine on display on Cultist blogs. If that were so, then the US military would be dying of old age because if you believe that America is the root of all evil, you aren’t going to be willing to risk your life defending it. Yet there are enough men and women from the post-baby boom generation signing up to serve our country so that the draft has not had to be reinstituted to fight the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and of course not all the members of the post-baby boom generation who escaped or eschewed the teachings of the Cult joined the military.

For me, the question is how did some in the post-baby boom generation keep their heads screwed on straight while others have a screw or two loose?

I believe it is the realization that there is a Higher Transcendent Power - a Creator, which differentiates those who reside in the fever swamps of the left and those who live in the real world. One must reject from the outset or be apostate from the Cult and its teachings to maintain or reclaim one’s sanity. Therefore if one wishes to escape the Cult quagmire they must move vertically.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hide the Oreos Earl! The food police are coming! Part 2

Tobacco has been a huge cash cow for the government and in government, cash cows are sacred cows. You don’t go around slaying the sacred cash cows until and unless you have a new golden calf to replace it. Perhaps the Nanny State Lefties now have a fatter cash cow in their sights.

In pursuing the war on tobacco, the left established the pattern and refined the process necessary to create almost unlimited number of sacred cash cows in the name of public safety or health. I call it the Tobacco Template.

First establish that “the product” is bad for children. Second, pass laws to limit or restrict advertising of “the product” where children might see it. Third, pass laws to limit or ban the access to or use of “the product” by children. Fourth, scare the public by over-hyping potential health risks associated with use or consumption of “the product”. Associate words like “crisis” or “epidemic” to potential health risks associated with “the product” for full effect. Fifth, manipulate public sentiment against “the product” by using junk science, exaggeration of legitimate studies/statistics, inconclusive studies and/or disinformation. Vilify, ignore, misrepresent and/or suppress any studies or professionals who refute or are in opposition to the position established in this step. Sixth, pass laws to tax or otherwise financially penalize the consumer and/or producers of “the product”. Seventh, limit or ban the consumption “the product” in certain places in society. Eighth, arouse public anger against “the product” by attacking the business practices of producers of “the product”. The last 3 steps need not be done in order given. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as needed or desired.

If you were to substitute the words “the product” with “junk food”, it would appear that the left is well on the way to implementing step 5 and toying with step 7. (Yes, I know Bloomberg is a Republican but he is a RINO-republican if there ever was one)

Let us now consider the implications if the left were to successfully implement the Tobacco Template on junk food.

According to the initiative set forth by former President Clinton, junk food would be defined as foods with high sugar, salt and/or fat content. If the Tobacco Template were fully implemented, not only could the government tax junk food specifically, it could expand the tax to the individual “harmful” ingredients in junk food. In other words, once the government slays the junk food dragon, it could then impose a “sin” tax on fat simply because it is bad for you. If the fat in junk food is bad for you, what about fat in other things like meat? Speaking of meat, is meat really good for you? Aren’t there health risks involved in eating meat?

The point of all this is not to put forth some kook conspiracy theory; I don’t go in for that sort of thing. Instead I think it is important to consider the ramifications of making food a potential source of government revenue in the form of “sin taxes” on foods that might be bad for us. The government has made billions if not trillions from taxing tobacco. The potential revenues generated by taxing “bad” food would make that look like chump change. In addition to a tax albatross around our collective necks, it would also give the government control over a huge sector of our economy. Politicians rarely if ever show any self control when given the opportunity to fill their coffers and this, I think, would be too great a temptation for them to resist.

For the record, I am not opposed to eating healthy foods. I just don’t want the government telling us what food we can and cannot eat by legal fiat or through their tax policy.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hide the Oreos Earl! The food police are coming! Part 1

Well of course it isn’t that bad yet but those who wish to force the “Nanny State” on all of us have a new public health enemy #1 – junk food.

From the city that implemented sweeping smoking bans we now have a proposed ban on trans fats. This week former President Bill Clinton announced another initiative to get junk food out of schools and promote healthier snacks because “the nation's childhood obesity epidemic and skyrocketing health-care costs made immediate action essential.”

It all seems very innocuous and it is for our own good so what’s the problem? In answer to that question let us look at a previous public health enemy #1 – tobacco.

It is in the war on tobacco where we find the genesis of the “Nanny State”. The war on tobacco also began as an effort to protect children. The government banned tobacco companies from advertising in certain magazines and on television. Then the government forbade the sale of tobacco products to minors. Next government forced the tobacco companies to put warning labels on tobacco products.

You may be asking your self what is wrong with the government doing all those things. Tobacco products shouldn’t be promoted or sold to children and the public ought to know the dangers of using tobacco products. You might even say the government had an obligation to do these things.

But does it really? In spite of all the recent law suits claiming the contrary, didn’t people already know that smoking was bad for them? Yes. Were we encouraging our children to smoke? Of course not. So why was it necessary for the government to get involved in all this? The reason is twofold; revenue in the form of “sin taxes” and to build a basis for controlling adult behavior.

Once you have the public agreeing that the government should legislate the sale and use of tobacco products to protect children, it is not difficult to then convince the public that the government needs to legislate adult use of tobacco products. Combine a steady drumbeat of tobacco industry conspiracy theories with a little junk science that allegedly proves that secondhand smoke is deadly to non-smokers and you can start banning the use of tobacco in certain places. Eventually, you can ban tobacco completely by making it illegal.

Why hasn’t the government made tobacco illegal? Two words; sin tax. The government has made billions in sin taxes from tobacco. Federal, state and local governments have all benefited from tax revenues generated by demonizing tobacco products then taxing them on the basis that they are evil. The public has become so well indoctrinated to the idea that evil tobacco must pay that it is now ludicrously easy to pass laws to increase the taxes on tobacco products.

For example, two years ago, the state of Oklahoma proposed a bill to increase the sales tax on cigarettes in order to make cigarettes so expensive that minors could not afford to buy them. The revenue from this tax was to be used to fund a program to educate children about the hazards of smoking and to help smokers quit smoking.

I don’t want children smoking any more than the next person but the idea that children will smoke if cigarettes are cheap so the solution is to make them expensive is idiotic and disingenuous. I doubt that very many people will give up smoking or be dissuaded from starting smoking because of the cost. Were that the primary purpose of the bill, one might expect lawmakers to come up with a better solution.

The actual purpose of the bill was to evoke the public’s negative feelings about tobacco use and the desire to punish that behavior by taxing it. In that respect, the bill was a resounding success because it passed and became law. Now the state has a new source of revenue and as one might expect, the revenue has been diverted from the proposed purpose (educating children about smoking and helping smokers quit) and put to other uses.

So what does tobacco have to do with junk food? I will address that question in part 2.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

In response to another American tragedy

Brian Rohrbough, who’s son Dan was killed in the Columbine massacre seven years ago, was on CBS to comment on the recent shootings in an Amish school and had the following to say:
"I'm saddened and shaken by the shooting at an Amish school today, and last week’s school murders.

When my son Dan was murdered on the sidewalk at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, I hoped that would be the last school shooting. Since that day, I’ve tried to answer the question, "Why did this happen?"

This country is in a moral free-fall. For over two generations, the public school system has taught in a moral vacuum, expelling God from the school and from the government, replacing him with evolution, where the strong kill the weak, without moral consequences and life has no inherent value.

We teach there are no absolutes, no right or wrong. And I assure you the murder of innocent children is always wrong, including by abortion. Abortion has diminished the value of children.

Suicide has become an acceptable action and has further emboldened these criminals. And we are seeing an epidemic increase in murder-suicide attacks on our children.

Sadly, our schools are not safe. In fact, we now witness that within our schools. Our children have become a target of terrorists from within the United States."

Hats off to Mr. Rohrbough for having the courage to say what many of us have thought for years.